Symptoms range from headaches, reduced ability to smell or taste, fatigue, to respiratory system issues, sleep disorders, pain, cognitive & neurological impairment. As per Ayurveda, the extended post infection phase is the result of lower immunity & imbalanced bio-energies lodged in the tissue & waste systems. Hence the treatment protocol is to build immunity, nourish & revitalize all systems. The programme at Swafe starts with comprehensive assessment of specific symptoms & system dysfunction. Treatment process is through Ayurvedic therapies, diet, herbal medicines and supplements, yoga, pranayama & meditation. Specific psychological aspects will be addressed by Yoga & Emotional Healing experts.

REJUVENATION : 14 to 21 Nights

Balance Body & Mind
Swafe Health

Our Vision

At Swafe Wellness, our vision is to inspire and empower individuals to achieve optimal well-being through personalized and holistic approaches. We believe that true wellness encompasses more than just physical health; it's a harmonious balance of mind, body, and spirit. Our goal is to guide you on your journey to wellness, helping you tap into your inner vitality and radiance.

  • Massage Therapies
  • Skin Rejuvenation
Discover Possible

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People Matter

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Self Recognition

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